Integrity. Honor. The Paper For the Planet's People.



STaff of the gaia tribune

Founder and Owner


Astra Evangelista
Founder of The Gaia Tribune



Looking to apply?

The Gaia Tribune is currently looking IC staff members only at the moment. We'd love to have characters, oc or canon working for the Gaia Tribune, but please understand that this time, it will strictly be an in-character job, and while we are 100% open to ideas for articles and stories - at this time we are not accepting OOC staff members to write articles.
This may change in the future, and if it does, those who have characters are already IC staff members will be the first to join the staff to help us write the paper! However, we may make exceptions to this rule if we feel someone is a good fit for the paper, and has shown enthusiasm for the paper via their roleplay and interactions with newspaper staff, and the admins all agree to bring that person on board in an OOC manner. This will be on a case-by-case basis however.
Despite this, we absolutely love the creativity of the verse, and if you join the in character staff of The Gaia Tribune, the rest of the staff can't wait to meet you and get to know you!If you're interested in applying, simply fill out this form here: Gaia Tribune IC Staff Application


Pardon the mess! Our reporters are hard at work putting together The Gaia Tribune's December Issue!
Check back soon to see who's been naughty or nice in December with an exciting new issue of The Gaia Tribune!

past issues of
the gaia tribune

Here you can find links to all our previous issues of The Gaia Tribune for your reading leisure. Each new issue will be posted here the moment it's hot off the press!

The Gaia Tribune Issue #1 - August 2021
Ft. A Glimpse into the Shinra-Crescent Family - The First Interview
In Memory of Tseng
Wedding Bells - Proposal Fails
Rumors: Retirements and Contaminated Hotdogs?


Have a tip for a potential story? Think you've got a thread that will lead to an explosive tell-all? We want to hear from you - contact us here at our anonymous tip-line and let us know so we can begin verifying your story. Your name is safe with us, and if you think you may be in danger - let us know and we'll ensure your safety, that's a Gaia Tribune guarantee.

Please note - we do not under any circumstances write any stories without permission from ALL roleplayers involved. If you wish to have a story written about you and another roleplayer or multiple other roleplayers, we require written permission via DM from ALL roleplayers involved or we will not run the story. If you wish to give the idea for a story that is about a canon character that is NOT based on any roleplayers portrayal, that is acceptable. If we find out however you are abusing the tip line to cause drama, make others feel bad, or otherwise make the verse an uncomfortable space, you will be blocked


Have questions or concerns? Have an idea for a story that you'd like to be featured? Feel free to contact us at any of the below accounts:
@TheGaiaTribune - Main Newspaper Account
@astraofthenight - Astra IC Founder/Owner/Chief Editor
Please note: That we are real people behind these accounts, and The Gaia Tribune is for fun. We take great pains to not disparage anyone's character unless it discussed beforehand. If there is something specific you wish for in your article, be it about the story, your character or something else - please let us know so we do not offend. We are not mind-readers. We are aware that a newspaper can be decisive, however if you come to us wishing to have an article written about your character(s) and then use that as an opportunity to bash us and our ic-staff excessively, you will no longer be invited to be featured in the paper.
If you do wish for an article to be the beginning of a decisive plot, and would like drama thrown in icly after the paper is published - please discuss it with us beforehand so we can decide if we, the OOC admins wish to participate, as we may not wish to involve ourselves in IC drama as that can be draining at times. Ultimately, consent is key! We will never publish an article disparaging your characters without prior permission - please give us the same courtesy when it comes to the paper and our characters.